MC's Whispers

Whispering Silences

Archive for the day “November 3, 2016”

The clarity of sincerity

sunflowerHave you noticed how a foggy window, a misty view, a cloudy day, often brings you down? Yet, as soon as they all clear, order is restored and you begin to feel better again. It’s the same with how we feel; how we view this world we are striving to survive in. No matter the mountains of words of inspiration that get thrown our way, there is perhaps nothing more significant than this: no matter what you do, always be sincere.

Sincerity is a trait we often underestimate. Because we think that everybody can demonstrate it. But it is a characteristic few possess, and even fewer can reveal. Sincerity is not to say everything you think but to mean everything you say. It’s speaking from the heart and being true to what you believe, think and feel. You don’t have to be fearless. Just be sincere. It’s what will make you stand out; how you’ll bring clarity to a hazy world.

It is true that sometimes, the most sincere feelings are the hardest to be expressed by words. But those are the very ones that count the most. Because you can feel the depth from which they come.

“Faithfulness and sincerity are the highest things” – Confucius


Also part of Daily Prompt: Sincere

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