MC's Whispers

Whispering Silences

The meaning we give

©Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

It was on the dining table. A constant remind of the feelings that characterised that house. Passion, love, caring, sensitivity.

Inundated with colour, the crystal vase featured seven gold-tipped roses. Perfectly stemmed, with petals opened just enough to demonstrate their purity and elegance; the roses were a gift from the heart.

They enclosed a memory of a day overwhelmed with emotions, happiness and optimism. Of a day that brimmed of hope for what was to come. For a future full of colour and love.

They were an everyday cue that love is just a word until someone gives it meaning.

Also part of Friday Fictioneers

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2 thoughts on “The meaning we give

  1. gahlearner on said:

    !love is just a word until someone gives it meaning” that is beautiful. I like how from looking at what is in the house you make us see what kind of people live there.

    Liked by 1 person

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