MC's Whispers

Whispering Silences

A fish called Jerry

cartoonfishThere aren’t many stories about fish. Well, apart from Nemo that got lost and they had to make an entire movie to find him. But he doesn’t really count, because he wasn’t a fish in a bowl.

Like Jerry.

Jerry was a cute little fish. As cute as fish can actually be, that is.

He was sneaky too. Because as he stood (?) silently in his bowl hardly moving, suddenly when no-one was looking he would flip out of the water, do a tiny twirl and return to his original position as if nothing happened. And then his owners were left wondering where the water surrounding the bowl came from. They even checked for leaks, but little did they know that their wet pet was an acrobat.

Yes, Jerry was a special kind of fish.

The smart kind.

He learned a lot by watching the National Geographic channel when his older owner was around. He had a clean view of the big-screen HD TV from his bowl, and unless it was really cloudy due to delays in cleaning, he would watch particularly the sea-animals episodes and soak everything in.

That is from where he learnt to flip. From watching dolphins.

One day, his younger owner, a kid who was as tall as the height of the fish bowl itself, caught a glimpse of Jerry’s backflip. He screamed and yelled all excited and jumped up and down, pointing at the fish bowl, but no-one would believe him. They thought he was making things up. After all he was just a kid. And Jerry was just a fish.

But Jerry’s acrobatic stunts became the kid’s little secret. Better if only he knew. Who knows what they would do to Jerry if they knew how special he was! There would be film crews and cameras lined up, and they might even place him in a zoo, or worse yet a museum! And no, the kid didn’t want that. Jerry was his friend. He would stand there and stare at him inside the bowl and Jerry would return a “huba huba” with his open mouth and just stare back. And when the kid pretended he wasn’t looking, he would perform a flip.

The kid could swear that one day he saw Jerry wink at him.

Imagine if he knew Jerry could also talk!

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4 thoughts on “A fish called Jerry

  1. librarylady on said:

    You left us all hanging. What does Jerry have to say?


  2. Je-rry! Je-rry! Je-rry!


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