MC's Whispers

Whispering Silences

The games of fate

Her plane left at 3pm. His train arrived at 2pm.

The distance from the station to the airport was 40 minutes give or take depending on traffic.

He was optimistic he would get there on time.

She was hoping he would.

They had not spoken in a week. Out of silly egoism that they dubbed ‘too much work’.

But they could feel their presence in each other’s thoughts.

They had met by chance. Fate usually appears that way.

He had entered her favourite coffee shop just as she was leaving, but that day she had forgotten her notebook on the table. The only one free at that time, at which he had just sat. The moment their gazes crossed, she knew and he felt it.

Love comes suddenly, in the most fleeting of moments. When you least expect it. When you’re well prepared and have an open heart to welcome it.

That exact feeling was what they were both counting on, as he raced against time.

They were lucky her plane had a delay and there was a traffic jam diversion that forced him to take another route that turned out to be faster.

Fate has a way of making things fall into place smoothly.

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