MC's Whispers

Whispering Silences

A great leap

loversLeap-heroThe drive through the desert seemed endless. But she needed that. Carrie could use a drowning-out of all the thoughts that were eating her up inside. And a long drive seemed the best way to do that. Two hours later she was back on the ‘civilized’ part of the road. With trees and roads and sidewalks and other cars along the way. She would soon be there. She was ready. Mentally and physically. She had grown stronger and fitter over the past year. And knew she could do this. Looking out the window she saw the small cove. The waters were crystal clear. The sun’s reflection bounced off the surface and formed an iris as it returned to its source. Further in, a seagull was securing the day’s meal.

Carrie was certain. She had seen it been done so many times and always wanted to feel what it was like. The freedom and the liberation in that jump was something that couldn’t be rivaled.

Bungee jumping was her passion. But never from this high and not at this perfect, paradise-like cove.

She got out of her car and felt the warm sand trickle into her feet.

“Hey!! You came!!!” A group of youngsters rushed over and lifted her up.

“So, beautiful, are you ready? I’ve got you covered, so don’t you worry, ok?” Ethan was an experienced jumper. He had been all over the world doing this. And he was the most extraordinary person Carrie had known. He always had some story to tell. And in her eyes he just seemed so…so alive.

“Trust me and we’ll be fine. More than fine,” he winked.

Carrie felt a chill. Not of fear but of excitement.

Everything in her life’s path seemed to lead to this very moment.

And as she made the leap, she could hear the voice of that gypsy fortune-teller from the fair years ago echoing “a great leap, the future holds; follow your path, to your life happiness bring it will…”

N.B. The story is a response to Trifecta Writing Challenge: Week sixty-three – to write a 33-333 word response using the word path as your prompt word. This story is 333 words.

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17 thoughts on “A great leap

  1. Lol, nice use of the word ‘path’. Like that end. And the rest of the story too; the perspective of a bungee enthusiast was interesting.


  2. Nice lead up to the jump. (A scary, literal leap!)


  3. Draug419 on said:

    This is so cool! And it’s nice to see some *good* gypsy advice instead of the usual evil curse (:


  4. Nice, fast pace. I enjoyed this.


  5. kymminbarcelona on said:

    Nice run up to the jump.


  6. Must be an exhilarating & freeing moment-great inspiring story:-)


  7. Wonderful story. Well done!


  8. Beautiful story of life, adventure, and taking risks. Good stuff MC!


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