MC's Whispers

Whispering Silences

The benefits of expecting nothing are beautiful because they come without waiting for them. Without expecting them to happen. And that often augments that wonderful feeling of euphoria that overwhelms you when you realise that sometimes what you are looking for comes when you’re not looking at all.

The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us” (Ashley Montagu).

It is like when we were children and out of the blue received small presents, simply for acing a test, or because there was a toy on offer, or because we hadn’t seen a particular relative for some time. Remember how excited you got then? From those little drops of unexpected happiness that got you active for hours, if not days?

There is a saying that happiness sneaks in through a door that you did not even know was open.

From impromptu decisions you may take, which may later affect your life in greater ways than you may have ever imagined. In simply allowing yourself to take a chance and try something different. In living every day as it comes, fully and deeply.

Sometimes it is indeed better not to expect things to happen. Because it’s better to feel surprised than disappointed. And in the end, it is the unexpected that changes our lives.


Also part of Daily Prompt: Childhood

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2 thoughts on “The benefits of expecting nothing

  1. xtofchua on said:

    Great post! As we mature, we increase our expectations in so many aspects: career, relationships, financial status. Whilst being a child, all we expected were playmates and grandma’s cookies. 🙂


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